We know you want a dedicated sales agent that will look after you throughout the entire life of the sales process.
Selling a property of distinction is all about creating an appropriate campaign for the market place. With our unique approach to marketing S.P. Mitchell Property Group offers sophisticated advertising and signage to set your property apart from the others and place it in front of the right audience.
S.P. Mitchell Property Group salespeople have extensive knowledge of the luxury property market and our experience will reassure you through every step of the selling process.
When you engage us we deliver the following:
Step 1 – Our Proposal including:
Comparative Market Analysis, which outlines where your property sits in the market in relation to recent sales and the rental market demand. We add an appraisal price range, which we believe we could sell your property for in this report.
This report also includes any building and gardening recommendations we may have for you in order to maximize the offers on the property. We can handle all of the works suggested as well, so we will quote if required
Target Market suggestions & How to reach the Target Market (which we work on filling in with you)
Marketing Plan and Recommended Timetable
Proposed Fee structure
A brief resume of Personnel responsible for this campaign.
Then we meet with you again to present this to you in full.
Step 2 – Out to Market
We then start to create your marketing campaign based on the information gathered and your approval
You send us the Authorisation to prepare your Property Report/Information Memorandum, Advertisements & Internet listings
The Photography is booked in
Advertising is designed and submitted to the perfect media channels for your property to get maximum exposure
Step 3 – Feedback matters
You will be provided with regular feed-back both verbally and in weekly written reports. These reports will include:
Number of enquiries, the source of the enquiries and honest feedback from prospective purchasers.
A copy of each advertisement.
A copy of the Property Report/ Information Memorandum hand-outs to be used for all enquiry.
Step 4 – Offers on the Table and SOLD
Offers are received and presented to you by us in writing
If Offer is accepted we then handle the Contract and ensure that the vendor has understood the purchase contract in full
Once the cooling off period is over we will ensure that the building and pest is completed and if satisfactory the property sale is then move to be finalized inside the dates agreed by both parties.
Our Conveyancers and Lawyers will ensure that the sales process is seamless and that your property is settled on time without the hassle.
Once the property has SOLD we can also offer you assistance with having the property cleaned.